Saturday 5 December 2009

Week 10: Sleep, Work, Jedward, Jamie Afro, Equus

Pretty much all through this week I have been in a fowl mood. I have too much work to do and have somehow managed to put off doing most of it. Don't believe what the student representatives say: University is not all about going out and procrastinating! It is harrrd work. Emerging from the week of no spare time, I thought I'd feel much better and have no problem about getting my work done. It turns out that isn't true. I tried to do work but managed to keep on putting it off half an hour at a time. That is a very bad idea because even if by the end of the night no work is done, the relaxation you would normally feel after a night off is not felt due to the dark cloud of work hanging over. I've come to realise that a day is either a work day or a day off.

Yesterday I managed to get down to work and complete the Technical Rehearsal Project (basically: an essay explaining what the technical rehearsal is and who does what) for the costume allocation (see previous posts for more details). I did have an invite to go out for a drink with the person I may be living with next year. I told myself that I would only go out if I finished all the work I needed to do. I did finish the work but settled for the reward of getting into bed at 10pm, watching some ice hockey and the backstage footage from the new Stereophonics album and chatting to my friends from home on msn. I proceeded to have the best sleep in the entire world ever, infinity plus one. In the morning I woke up thinking it must be the afternoon already but found it was infact 10am. Such a lovely time to wake up. Not too early, not too late, the whole day ahead of you if you get up straight away. I even cleaned the fridge before breakfast!

One thing I forgot to mention last week was X Factor Tuesdays at the Guild. The Guild of Students has managed to book three of the X Factor's finalists to play at the Underground. Jamie 'Afro' Archer played in Tuesday of Week 9, Jon and Edward played Tuesday of Week 10 and next week the Guild is host to Lloyd. I bought a £12 ticket that allowed me entry to all three weeks. It's £5 for a single ticket. On the night, the act plays three or four songs then there's a chance to meet them in a private room in the Guild. For Jedward, there was a photographer already in place to speed things along. For Jamie, fans could take their own pictures and get his autograph. You can imagine what the demand was like for Jedward!

I promised one of my coursemates that I'd go and see him in Article 19's (a University of Birmingham society) production of Equus. I also knew the director from doing the costume for Vinegar Tom so I was intrigued. On top of that, Equus is my favourite play. When I was in year twelve, I had to do an exam about it so went to see it with my classmates. It was so good that I bought two tickets for me and my brother to see it again a mere week later. Having seen the official touring production, Article 19 had high standards to meet. They most definitely met them. I was very impressed! It was performed in the Deb Hall, above Joe's Bar in the Guild and the whole team managed to transform the space into something pretty awesome. The acting was above par, for sure.

Storm and Jamie Afro Archer
Storm (coursemate) and Jamie 'Afro' Archer.

Jedward with Storm
Storm (coursemate) with Jon and Edward.

Ben Hastings and Henry Wyrley-Birch in Equus.

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