Monday 26 October 2009

Week 4: Remember that 'work' thing?

This week was a revelation week for me. It hit me that I have to keep on top of my work. Over the weekend I did take some work home with me (a huge anthology of drama and a folder for a module) but I still felt rather behind when I returned to classes on Monday afternoon. This can become an issue. Well, it effectively is an issue. Within the Drama freshers, one popular topic of discussion is 'how are you doing with your reading?'. The usual answer is 'I'm behind'. This isn't at all due to laziness but it's the change from sixth form to university.

For some people it hits a bit harder because they either have taken a gap year or did a course that didn't carry a large workload. I'm aware of how limited my experience of workload is here because I'm writing from the point of view of a Drama student. To give a wider outlook, from what I know, the person in my flat with the most work to do is Dan, a psychology student. Hearsay has it that psychology is one of the most work-intense degrees anyway so that's to be expected. Nathan, studying political science, has quite a bit of reading to do. Katy, studying Sport and Exercise Science, often has work to do that is quite complicated (at least from my point of view). I haven't asked Sarah (Geology/Geo Science) about her workload but she goes home every weekend without work to do, comfortably. Mike has the least amount of work to do, being an economics student. Today he showed how much work he has to do by playing basketball on his iPhone in the kitchen. He did look absolutely ridiculous so that evened out the bitterness of having a nice pile of reading waiting for me in my room.

In any case, the jump from sixth form (or college) to university is a shock for most people and its understandable to get a bit worried about the workload. It's Week Five now (the post title is retrospective because obviously week five hasn't completed yet) and I'm trying to get on top of my reading. It really is hard work and sacrifices must be made (that wonderful social life I had in Week 0, 1 and 2) but its satisfying when I can tick something off the to-do list.

L-R Sarah, Mikey, Dan, Katy. Battle of the Blocks, Tennis Court. Block 21: Zulu!
L-R Sarah, Mikey, Dan, Katy. Battle of the Blocks in Barracuda, Tennis Court. Block 21: Zulu!

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